PAL PROBLEM She spends every second with her new BE RESOLVE TO ... Be patient. This guy's the center of your girl's world for a while. Once their relationship settles a bit, request a standing girls-only night. And, make plans for the three of you now and again. Who knows? The BF may bring along a hot friend ... hello, double date!
PAL PROBLEM You lost touch after she moved away.
RESOLVE TO ... Play catch-up. Sure, you have both been crazy busy, but that's no excuse. Use the holiday break to touch base with a long call. Fill her in on all the school gossip, then ask her about her new digs. And once you've reconnected, stick to a monthly update at minimum.
PAL PROBLEM you're-ugh!-always dealing with her drama queen 'tude.
RESOLVE TO ... Minimize her meltdown. She's in tears because another girl is wearing the same dress to the formal? Tell her that proves she has awesome style. A sore throat means she's dying of the bubonic plague? Explain it's likely the cold that's going around. Sympathizing only gets her revved up, so a reality check will show her how silly she really sounds.
PAL PROBLEM You feel slighted when her sched leaves no time for you.
RESOLVE TO ... Get busy, girl! Instead of waiting around for a break in your BFF's calendar, fill up your free time with your own activities. Whether it's band or basketball, carve out a niche for yourself. Plus, you'll meet new girlies. That's not to say you should bypass your BFF for your new friends--keep each other a priority by getting together at least once a week.
PAL PROBLEM: You stopped talking to her after she stole your crush.
RESOLVE TO ... Stall the silent treatment. True, she made a completely uncool move, but is this guy really worth trashing your friendship? Probably not. Invite her to grab a peppermint latte, then let her know why you've been icing her out. Say you're willing to move past your pain if she promises to be more up front with you. After all, there are a billion boys out there, but you've got only one BFF.
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